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Blue Bendy Unveil Riotous Debut Single ‘Closing Sound’

It’s been a long wait but South London’s Blue Bendy has finally gifted us with their stunning debut single. Released via Permanent Creeps, ‘Closing Sound’ is a spell like song, a burst of franticly choreographed chaos lasting just under three minutes.  The frenzied instrumentation on the song is reminiscent of Joy Division’s debut album, however to pigeon hole Blue Bendy as a post punk band would be unfair when their style blends so much more, ‘Closing Sound’, combines elements of a classic post punk style with a modern twist, merged with elements of pop, krautrock and art punk.

‘Closing Sound’ begins with a heightened pulse like beat, quickly greeted with a disturbing attack of acoustic guitars and snappily placed drums which smoothly drag you into a dark and menacingly elegant verse. Lead vocalist Arthur Nolan’s vocal style is remarkable, with a punk snarl similar to that of Iceage’s Elias Bender Rønnenfelt and the perverted wit of The Fall’s Mark E Smith merged together to form a sinister croon that the frontman is already know for.  The vocals on ‘Closing Sound’ are a true highlight, sitting underneath in the mix are backing vocals from synth player Olivia Morgan, singing in French, these elegant and woven vocals directly contrast with the songs punk feel, creating a harmonious balance within the pandemonium of the track, a balance of light and dark. By the time Arthur Nolan has reminded us of a harsh truth of life ‘we’re bound for the ground, the impending foreclosing sound’, we’re sucked straight into the songs forebodingly charming ending, an ethereal riotous mess of noise and well-constructed melodies, the ultimate pay off for a song that has created such a imaginatively nervous atmosphere.

A debut like ‘Closing Sound’, comes once in a blue moon, it’s an uncompromising single, establishing a bold and fresh sound for a band that have managed to steer up hype from disorderly live shows. Blue Bendy have thrown themselves into the music scene, demanding attention, with intelligent song writing and a healthy dose of cunning charisma, despite being a debut single ‘Closing Sound’ already sounds like a band destined for cult greatness.



Clayton Shaw
I'm a music journalism student from the north of England. I've had a strong passion for music for as long as I can remember, I love most types of music but alternative music has always been my favourite.