Live review + photo report: Interpol at The Forum in London
A live show by Interpol feels exactly like their music: you are on pleasure journey that seems to never really culminate into the final climax. Their show at The Forum yesterday was the last of the band’s 3 dates in London this February – all of them sold out. Undoubtedly among the most interesting acts of the last 20 years, Interpol walked on stage after the opening act, Slaves, a fascinating punk duo we’ll probably see around a lot in the next months.
The show started in an awkard – inexplicable – tension and insecurity that culminated when, after 3 tracks, Evil ground to a halt. The apparent coldness that is a trademark of the New York band, who’s built their image around a dually polished collection of songs and a sharp image, allowed them to simply start the song all over again and go on with the show as nothing had never happened. The audience was so in awe of the band – who clearly and deservedly has a strong fan base – that they seemed to not really care about the accident that spoiled of the band’s top tracks. Sometimes, bad accidents can be turning points, as from there on the show literally took off and the band looked and sounded more consistent and self-secure.
Their mastery of the art of playing instruments live and the wide range of great songs the band has delivered in the last 18 years are worth the ticket itself.
On stage, Interpol mightn’t be the straight-talking New Yorkers one would expect. Interpol show that they’re so much more than a collection of good suits with great songs.
Complete setlist:
Say Hello to the Angels
My Blue Supreme
Leif Erikson
My Desire
Everything Is Wrong
Rest My Chemistry
The New
Breaker 1
Pioneer to the Falls
Not Even Jail
Slow Hands
All the Rage Back Home
Encore 2:
Photo gallery by Oscar Tornincasa: