Yann Tiersen live @ ICA in London
Score: 8.5/10 French multi-instrumentalist Yann Tiersen, known to the world mostly for his soundtrack compositions for Amelie and Good Bye Lenin, has become particularly prolific in the last years, his latest album Infinity being released this May and presented at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London on May 14. The show offered a wide round up of tracks taken from the new album, some of which delivered with outstanding musical grandeur. Joined on stage by a line-up of talented musicians and singers, Tiersen spanned from electronic experimentalism to violin soloings; from synthesisers to acoustic guitars, mandolins, colourful bells, wind pianos, there was quite an amount of instruments on stage – it was almost impossible to count all of them. A true musician lost in his compositions, the French composer let the music speak for him without interacting much with the audience, exceptionally interrupting his “silence” to joke about a cracking speaker.
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The perception is that Tiersen’s compositions grow in magnificence when played live, the new tracks, as well as the old ones, delivering more consistently live then on CD. And yet, besides all the instruments and the musical complexity, the acme of the show was when, embracing his violin, he opened the encore with a solo of The Wire, from Amelie. Immersed in total darkness with a single spotlight on him, he fell into a trance merging his soul with the instrument, completely lost to the sound of the strings, dragging the public in his state of trance. It was a mesmerising moment that added even more charm to a night of pure musical entertainment. Complete Set List: – Meteorites (Intro) – Slippery Stones – Ar Maen Bihan – Midsummer Evening – Palestine – Dark Stuff – La Dispute – La Crise – Steinn – In Our Minds – Chapter – Rue De Cascades – Gronjord – The Gutter – The Crossing – Vanishing Point – Meteorites (Full) – The Wire – Till The End – Lights – Quarter